NIEM has model content for 17 subcommittees, which are community-specific business areas. In addition, several emerging communities are working toward developing data model content, which may lead to the establishment of new subcommittees.
Improving information-sharing across the U.S. Department of Agriculture and with producers.
Supporting the national effort to detect and interdict radiological and nuclear (Rad/Nuc) threats.
Supporting a coordinated community effort to increase broad visibility of cyber...
Emergency Management
The Emergency Management (EM) subcommittee works to improve decision-making by...
Human Services
The Human Services (HS) subcommittee supports information sharing and promotes...
The Immigration subcommittee supports those responsible for, among other...
Infrastructure Protection
The Infrastructure Protection subcommittee supports those responsible for...
The Intelligence subcommittee is the standard of choice for exchanging...
International Human Services
The International Human Service subcommittee supports information sharing and...
International Trade
The International Trade (IT) subcommittee helps to standardize and promote...
The Justice subcommittee provides the criminal justice system with the data...
Learn about the Biometrics Subcommittee
Supporting information-sharing through the joint development and alignment of XML Biometric Standards.
Learning and Development
The Learning and Development (L&D) subcommittee enhances the interoperability...
The Maritime subcommittee supports efforts for full Maritime Subcommittee...
Military Operations
The MilOps subcommittee manages those unique military operations and missions...
The Screening subcommittee supports, coordinates, and harmonizes the information...
Surface Transportation
The Surface Transportation subcommittee supports information sharing and...