WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:10.581 --> 00:00:19.200 What is NIEM? NIEM for me foremost is community. It is the program that enables community 00:00:19.200 --> 00:00:28.920 to get together to decide to solve an important  problem and to put in place the processes the   00:00:28.920 --> 00:00:34.410 the language by which we make movement on some  of our most important social issues of today. 00:00:34.410 --> 00:00:43.290 Whether it's screening terrorism for the safety of the United States or finding children in Amber Alerts   00:00:43.290 --> 00:00:52.770 or even the increasing response time in our fire  departments, so communities to get together and   00:00:52.770 --> 00:00:56.760 they decide they want to solve a problem they as  a community decide how they're going to solve the   00:00:56.760 --> 00:01:01.402 problem and then they put that into place. It is a  really powerful community driven program. 00:01:02.277 --> 00:01:08.760 The best way to think about NIEM is through its two  core components. First it is a Rosetta stone - 00:01:08.760 --> 00:01:16.260 the ability to bring together different  communities to agree on common terms, policies, and data   00:01:16.260 --> 00:01:23.670 definitions. Second it is a process and framework  for developing common business or functional   00:01:23.670 --> 00:01:27.630 standards based on common mission equities  across those same communities and partners. 00:01:30.980 --> 00:01:37.460 When I first started with NIEM, the adoption  of NIEM was pretty low although the value   00:01:37.460 --> 00:01:42.380 of NIEM across the government was high and so  instinctually we had a real strong drive towards   00:01:42.380 --> 00:01:48.350 increasing adoption. As you see that increased  adoption take on as communities really take   00:01:48.350 --> 00:01:54.590 on this as a way to do business you start seeing  the network effect of just one more agency using   00:01:54.590 --> 00:02:01.430 it or just one more County organization using  it, so when I started there were two departments   00:02:01.430 --> 00:02:05.480 the Department of Justice and the Department of  Homeland Security who were committed to using   00:02:05.480 --> 00:02:10.490 NIEM. Today we have 16 federal agencies committed  to using NIEM and since most of our information   00:02:10.490 --> 00:02:17.270 exchange comes from the very local environment  and it goes up and it goes around these are the   00:02:17.270 --> 00:02:22.850 adoption of NIEM is having this strong network  effect this strong increase of community has   00:02:22.850 --> 00:02:27.860 allowed us to increase our capability  to make decisions in a faster time frame 00:02:31.340 --> 00:02:37.070 It saves lives. It saves lives getting  that faster information in the hands   00:02:37.070 --> 00:02:41.030 of operators that need it to  put resources where they need it.